In this episode, Attentive founder and CTO Pedro Mabeyinújo talks about what it takes to build a tech new product from the ground up. Discover their approach to running an engineering team, from adopting new open source technologies, to onboarding junior developers and learning .Aachen was a well-known bathing town in Roman times, and the Elisenbr… Read More

"Trump was hit in the mouth by a microphone! He paused for a moment and then gave the reporter a stern look."Seneler ortam?nda hem musiki dünyas?nda hem de toplumsal ve siyasal alanlarda kendine her hâlde bir ülke edinmi?tir.VIP tables circled the dancefloor and of course, I had my own stage with… wait for it…. my own lighting control (that … Read More

Jednym z Facetteów stanowi?cych przewag? nad nasz? konkurencyjn? jest Sachverhalt, ?e proces sortowania przeprowadzamy samodzielnie w placówce naszej firmy przez kadr? wyszkolonych pracowników z wieloletnim do?wiadczeniem. Dzi?ki temu mo?emy go jak najlepiej dostosowa? do oczekiwa? naszych klientów, utrzymuj?c wysok? powtarzalno?? jako?ciow? za… Read More